Introduction to Oral Herpes
Herpes can be a very stressful experience due to its direct attack at the mouth region, and the risk majorly lies beyond a cold sore, which means that the correct understanding of the STD is critically necessary.
New York has been a city of life since decades now and living up to its hype, aggressive, regular and random sexual experiences are widely common, further giving rise to number of reported STDs in the city.
According to a survey, around 1 in 5 individuals is suffering from Oral Herpes. In order to convey the correct and streamlined information about the disease, here’s all that you need to know about Oral Herpes.
Oral Herpes Facts
- The virus causing Oral Herpes, also known as Herpes Simplex, causes a viral skin condition namely as cold sores, whitlows or 'herpes' on the genital area or other infected skin areas.
- Oral Herpes medication affects only after 14 days of infection, provided that the diagnosis has been done timely.
- Herpes virus are extremely contagious as it primarily affects the skin area, which means it is important to notify your partner about the same before indulging in any sexual activity.
- Herpes virus can be transmitted through kissing and oral sex. Precautions are recommended before any oral sex but it cannot be confirmed or assured that the infection won’t transfer to the partner.
- A simple blood test can confirm an Oral Herpes infection.
- Sexual decisions have to be taken carefully when it comes to Oral Herpes as the infection can spread easily.
- Even after the treatment of Oral Herpes or Genital Herpes, the virus usually stays in the body. In future, whenever the virus gets activated, the Herpes returns, and the condition is then recognized as Recurring Herpes.
- The emotional impact of Oral and Genital Herpes is much worse than the infection but it does not deserve the upset it causes. It can be treated provided it is diagnosed on time.
Oral Herpes Symptoms

Symptoms in Women
Oral Herpes is usually caused by two types of simplex viruses, also known as HSV-1 and HSV-2 or Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and Type 2.
Since 90 percent of New York population is infected by STDs at any stage of their lives, around 1 in 4 women is assumed to have Oral Herpes.
Basic Symptoms of Oral Herpes in Women
- Tingling in the vagina area.
- Headaches, Fever, Nausea
- Muscle Aches
- Flu-like symptoms
- Drowsy feeling all the time.
- Burning, itching and pain during urination
- Swollen lymph glands in groin, neck and under the arms.
- Blister formation (filled with clear yellowish fluid) within 3 days of infection around the vaginal area, labia, clitoris, anus, thighs, vulva, and buttoks.
Pregnancy and Oral Herpes
If the HSV spreads from the woman to the infant, the condition is known as neonatal herpes which is usually fatal. Neonatal Herpes can cause a lasting impact on the central nervous system of the infant which can lead to mental retardation, or even death in multitude of cases.
Around 25-30% of women in New York are reported to have Genital Herpes, which means that Neonatal Herpes can be rare. Speaking statistically, only 0.1% of infants can be born with Neonatal Herpes. A Cesarean section is preferred in case the outbreak at the time of delivery is high.
Symptoms in Men
The symptoms of Oral Herpes or Genital Herpes can usually take around 1-2 weeks to spread and become noticeable; but in the late of the 3rd week, the symptoms progresses into life-altering stage.
It is advised that a blood test or an STD test should be conducted after the appearance of lesions on skin i.e. in the first week of infection. Here are common symptoms of Oral Herpes in men.
Basic symptoms of Oral Herpes in Men
- Tingling in the penis area. .
- Headaches, Fever, Nausea, Muscle Aches
- Drowsy feeling all the time.
- Flu-like symptoms
- Burning, itching and pain during urination
- Swollen lymph glands in groin, neck and under the arms.
- Blister formations (filled with clear yellowish fluid) within 3 days of infection around the penis area, hips area, anal region and scrotum.
6 Complications caused by about Oral Herpes:
Usually Oral Herpes does not have any everlasting impact on the body but in case it is ignored or treated with over-the-counter medications, the complications caused can be threatening to lifestyle and even life.
Usual Complications:
- Blindness
- Spread to the other skin areas
- Recurrence of herpes labialis
- Other related bacterial infections
- Progression to other life-threatening diseases like atopic dermatitis, cancer, or HIV infection.
How to treat Oral Herpes?
Oral Herpes is not a life-threatening disease but in case it gets ignored and remains undiagnosed, it can bring life-threatening consequences, mentioned above.
Here’s what’s not recommended when you encounter Oral Herpes symptoms:
- Strictly avoid over the counter products.
- Avoid using home remedies to treat blisters
- Avoid sexual activity with your partner or anyone else in case you are in a open relationship.
- Avoid Oral sex
In case you feel you have Oral Herpes, then what to do?
An STD test from our center or any other valid/certified STD testing lab. You can connect with us over a call or online for booking an STD test.
We maintain strict patient confidentiality and have adopted minimal paperwork to accelerate results and process recovery procedure.
What to do after detection of Oral Herpes?
As shared in the article, Oral Herpes does not deserve the trauma it gets. There is no need to panic, as there are medications and procedures available to cure Oral Herpes. After detection of Oral Herpes through our STD test, you can consult with our medical practitioners, and adopt recommended prescription.
Our medical practitioners are well-qualified and will guide you through the entire process. Even if the Oral Herpes symptoms are problematic, there is an effective treatment available for that as well. All you are required to do is to visit us and confirm you are Herpes positive or Negative through our test. Panic or worry never solves anything, stay calm and seek positive advise.